Pirojpur District, Bangladesh
Pirojpur district is located in the south- western part of Bangladesh. Most of the land of the region is low laying plane and 10 to 19 feet above from sea level. It is said that Pirojpur was named after Landlord Firoj Shah, the son of Shah Suja. At the first time the region was named “Firojpur” and by the passing of time the word Firojpur slowly muted to Pirojpur. During the East India company period, the pirojpur subdivision was formed in 1866. After the liberation of Bangladesh Pirojpur subdivision was upgraded into district in 01 March 1984. Peasant Rebellion (1757), Indigo Resistance movement etc are the remarkable chapters of the region. The Geo position of the district is between 22˚30’ to 22˚52’ North latitudes and between 89˚52’ to 90˚13’ east longitude.
Pirojpur District Bordered By-
Pirojpur District is bordered by Barisal and Gopalganj districts to the north, Barguna district to the south, Jhalokati and Barguna districts to the east, Bagerhat district and the Sundarban, the largest mangrove forest to the west.
How many Thana and Union in Pirojpur District?
The area of Pirojpur is 1277.80 Sq Km. It is under Barisal Division. There are 03 Municipalities in Pirojpur named Pirozpur, Nesarabad and Mothbaria. The number of Thana in Pirojpur district is 07, named- Pirojpur Sadar, Vandaria, Mathbaria, Zianagor, Nazirpur, Sharupkathi and Kaukhali. There are 51 Unions, 390 Mauzas and 648 Villages in Pirojpur district.
Why is Pirojpur District Famous For?
Pirojpur district is specially famous for agro products specially for coconut, guava, betel leave, betel nuts grow in plenty in Pirojpur district. Pirojpur district is also famous for its natural beauty where green field, bare rivers and and canals hug each others.
Famous Persons from Pirojpur District
Famous persons born in Pirojpur district are- Poet Begum Sufia Kamal, Ahsan Habib (Poet), Moinur Ahsan Saber, Sayad Azizur Hoque(Poet), Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia (Journalist), Moazzem Hossain, Biswajit Ghosh, Barister Moinul Hossain, Juwel Ice (Magician), Mawlana Abdur Rahim, Major General (Rtd.) Nurul Islam, Dr Khitish Chandra Mondol, Anower Hossain Monju (Politician), Leader Mahiuddin Ahmed, M. U. Ahmed, Manik Miah etc.
Tourist Attractions in Pirojpur District
Tourist attractions in Pirojpur district are- Mothbaria Shapjora Kuthibari, Rayerkathi Royal Palace and Temple, Kumarkhali Kali Mandir, Two Domed Mosque (Nesarabad), Remnants of Kaurikhara Zamindarbari, Baleswar DC Park, Majherchar, Floating Vegetable Garden of Nazirpur, Guava Orchard of Nesharabad, Pathorghata Sea Beach etc.
Pirojpur District Population Data
The total population of Pirojpur district is 11,98,195, Sex ratio 100:105.60, Population Density 938/Sq Km, annual growth rate is 0.53%. The Literacy Rate of Pirojpur district is 85.53%. School attendance rate is 88.09% for 5 to 24 years age group.
Rivers in Pirojpur District
Rivers flow throughout Pirojpur District are- Gabkhan, Baleshwar, Damodar, Kocha, Pona, Kochakhali, Kaligonj, Sandha etc.
Agro Products in Pirojpur District
Agro products grow in Plenty in Pirojpur district are- Paddy, Jute, Sugarcane, Wheat, Guava, Banana, Coconut, Hog-plum, betel leaf, betel nuts etc.
Other Important Data: The postal code of Pirojpur district is 8500 and NWD Code is 0461. Total Parliament seat in Pirojpur is 04. During the liberation war, Pirojpur was under Sector Number 08 & 09. Urbanization rate of the district is 16.41% and distance from capital city Dhaka is 184 Km. Average rainfall of the region is 2240 mm.
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