
Explore Bangladesh Tourism

Sunday, December 29

About Barguna District, Bangladesh

About Barguna District, Bangladesh

Barguna district is located in the south- western part of Bangladesh. Barguna district is average 11 feet above from sea level. There are not enough authentic documents about the naming of Barguna district. Some historians think that once timber traders of northern part came here to buy timbers and they waited for favoring flow (Baro- Gone) of the river of Khakdon to overcome and consequently the region was named Baro-Gona. By the passing of age, Baro- Gona muted to Barguna. Beside someone thinks that to dragging the boats against the mainstream of tide it was used “Gun.” So the region was named Barguna. Barguna police station was established in the last decade of the eighteenth century. It was upgraded into a sub-division in 1969 and finally the subdivision was turned into a district in 28 February 1984 after the liberation of Bangladesh. The Geo position of the district is between 21˚50’05’’ to 23˚04’10’’ North latitudes and between 89˚59’50’’ to 91˚04’08’’ east longitude.

Barguna District Map, Bangladesh

Why is Barguna District Famous For?

Barguna District specially famous for its fishing industry. the district is also famous for its agricultural products specially for coconuts and betel nuts.

Famous persons from Barguna District

Famous persons from Barguna district are- Prof. Sayad Fazlul Hoque, Shelina Hossain (Novelist), Motin Boiragi, Abdul Aziz Master, Dr Entaz Uddin, Delower Hossain Montu, Motiur Rahaman Talukder, Gazi Ali Ahmed etc.

Tourist Attractions in Barguna District

Tourist attractions in Barguna district are- Fatrar Char, Ashar Char, Haringhata Forest, Laldiar Char and Sea Beach, Mazhir Char, Sonbunia, Taltoli Rakhain Palli and Temple, Sonakata Forest, Donbunia, Mazhirchar, Khoyra Mosque, Samudra-Bilash, Bibichini Shahi Mosque etc.

Nature of Barguna district

Barguna District Bordered By-

Barguna District is bordered by JhalokatiBarisalPirojpur and a part of Patuakhali district to the north, Patuakhali district and the Bay of Bengal to the south, Patuakhali district to the east, Pirojpur and Bagerhat districts to the west.

Barguna district Administration

The area of Barguna is 1831.31 Sq Km. It is under Barisal Division. There are 04 Municipalities in Barguna named Barguna, Patharghata, Betagi and Amtoli. The number of Upazilla (sub district) in Barguna district is 05, named- Barguna, Patharghata, Bamna, Betagi and Amtoli containing 42 Unions, 259 Mauzas and 562 Villages.

Barguna District Population Data

The total population of Barguna district is 10,10,531 (Male- 494,738 and Female- 515,723), sex ratio 96:100, population density 551.80/Sq Km and annual growth rate is 1.10%. The Literacy Rate of Barguna district is 80.65%, School attendance rate is 89.10% for 5 to 24 years age group.

Rivers in Barguna District 

Rivers flow through Barguna district are- Haringhata, Biskhali, Dhaleswar, Adhar-Manik, Cheghai, Burishar, Khakdon, Rajgonj etc.

Agro Products from Barguna District 

Major agro products grown in Barguna district are- Rice, winter crops, peas, pepper, potatoes, pumpkin, watermelon etc.

Other Important Data: The postal code of Barguna district is 8700 and NWD Code is 0448. Total Parliament seat in Barguna is 02. During the liberation war, Barguna was under Sector Number 09. Urbanization rate of the district is 11.55%.


  1. নিজ জেলা সম্পর্কে অনেক কিছুই জানতাম না। এখান থেকে পড়ে জানলাম। খুব ভাল লাগলো। :-)

  2. why Barguna famous for?

  3. এটা যে বি এন পি এর সময়ে করা তা রিমারক্যাবল লোক দের নাম দেখেই বুঝা যায়। এখানে ধ্রীরেন্দ্র দেবনাথ শম্ভু এমপি, দেলোয়ার হোসাইন এমপি, আব্দুল লতিফ মাস্টার বিশিষ্ট শিক্ষা অনুরাগী প্রতিসঠাতা চেয়ারম্যান আওয়ামীলীগ ও বরগুনা পৌরসভা। বরগুনায় ৯৫ বর্গ কি মি সুন্দর বন আছে যা উল্লেখ করা হয় নাই, কুমইরমারা চর উল্লেখ নাই।

  4. আশিক আহ্মেদAugust 1, 2016 at 1:30 AM

    বরগুনায় শিক্ষার হার বাংলাদেশ এর মদ্ধে সব থেকে বেশি।

  5. এ পরিবারের অনেকের অায়ের উৎস অামার প্রতিষ্ঠানের মাধ্যমে হতে পারে। এ বিষয়ে সময় নিয়ে জানাবো। বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে অামাদের প্রতিনিধি নিয়োগ দিবো, অাশা করি প্রতি মাসে ভাল অায় হবে।

  6. Incorrect report. Know Barguna then let people to know.


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