Sirajganj District, Bangladesh
Sirajganj district is located in the northern part of Bangladesh. The historic Salanga genocide took place in the region in 1922. Many people were killed and a number of wounded when police opened fire on an assemblage of people gathered at Salanga Hat as a part of the Khelafat and non co-operation movement against British Company under the leadership of Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish. Besides All India Muslim League Conference (1942), Brahmo Samaj convention (1928), All India Congress Party conference (1924) etc are the remarkable chapters of the region. During the War of Liberation a great battle was fought between the freedom fighters and the Pakistani army in Tarash upazila on Naogaon in which the Pakistani army was defeated and about 150 members were killed. During 11 to 14 December another battle was fought between the enemy army and the heroic freedom fighters at Shailabari in which Pakistani army was defeated also. Sirajganj achieved liberation in 14 December 1971. Sirajganj subdivision was established in 1845 during the British East India Company period and was a part of Pabna district. It was turned into a district in 1984. The Geo position of the district is between 24˚00’ to 24˚40’ North latitudes and between 89˚20’ to 89˚50’ east longitude.
How many Thana, Union and Village in Sirajganj District?
The area of Sirajganj is 2402.05 Sq Km. It is under Rajshahi Division. There are 06 Municipalities in Sirajganj named Ullapara, Sahjadpur, Shirajgonj, Belkuchi, Royganj and Kazipur. The number of Thana in Sirajganj district is 09, named- Shirajgonj Sadar, Raygonj, Ullapara, Chauhali, Kazipur, Kamarkhanda, Tarash, Belkuchi and Sahajadpur. There are 82 Unions, 1300 Mauzas and 2016 Villages in Sirajganj district.
Why is Sirajganj District famous for?
Sirajganj district is is specially famous for huge dairy productions. Sirajganj has rich historical background. Sirajganj district is also famous for hand loom cotton industries. Beside dairy, Sirajganj produced a big amount of agricultural products.
Famous Foods in Sirajganj
There are many food habit diversification in Sirajganj. It is said overall, 'Pithuli' is the most popular local food in Sirajganj. It is made with beef and rich flour. Besides various mash items of dry fish is also popular in Sirajganj.
Famous Persons from Sirajganj District
Famous persons born in Sirajganj district are- Abdur Rashid Tarkabagaish, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (Politician), Dr Abdul Mannan, (Educationist), Mohadeb Saha (Poet), Shiraj Ali Chowdhury (Land Lord), Esan Chandra Roy (Farmer Rebal Leader), Rajani Kanta Sen (Poet), Jadeb Chandra Chakraborti (Mathematician), Ismail Hossain Sheraji (Poet), Captain M. Munsur Ali (Politician), M. A. Matin (Businessman), Prof.Dr.M.A.Mannan( Islamic Personality), Nazibur Rahaman (Writer), Mohammad Barketullah (Writer), Fazle Lohani, Abdullah Al Muti (Scientist), Suchitra Sen (Actress), Mohammad Nasim (Politician) etc.
Tourist Attractions in Sirajganj District
Tourist attractions in Sirajganj district are- Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge, Elieot Bridge, Shahjadpur Kuthibari, Rabindra Kacharibari, Khaja Younous Ali Medical College, Milk vita Plant, Eco park, Baghabari Power Plant, Shah Mokhdum Mosque, Milkvita Plant, House of Jadeb Chakraborti and Ismail Hossain Shiraji, Graveyard of Hazrat Enayatpuri (R), Graveyard of Shah Sharif Jindapir (R), Joy Sagor, Noboratna Temple etc.
Sirajganj District Bordered By-
Sirajganj District is bordered by Bogra district to the north, Pabna district to the south, Jamalpur and Tangail district to the east, Natore, Bogra and a part of Pabna district to the west.
Population data of Sirajganj District
The total population of Sirajganj district is 34,30,443, Population Density 1428/Sq Km and annual growth rate is 0.56%. The Literacy Rate of Sirajganj district is 69.48% School attendance rate is 59% for 5 to 24 years age group.
Rivers in Sirajganj District
Rivers flow throughout Sirajganj disrict are- Jamuna, Kartoa, Boral, Ishamoti, Fuljora etc.
Agro Products in Sirajganj District
Agro products grow in plenty in Sirajganj district are- Paddy, Jute, Sugarcane, Onion, Garlic, Potato, Yam, Peanuts, Chilly, Mastered etc.
Other Important Data: The postal code of Sirajganj district is 6700 and NWD Code is 0751. Total Parliament seat in Sirajganj is 06. During the liberation war, Sirajganj was under Sector Number 07. Urbanization rate of the district is 14.09%. Average rainfall of the region is 1610 mm.
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