About Cox's Bazar District, Bangladesh
Cox's Bazar is a coastal district located in the south- eastern part of Bangladesh. The Arab traders and preachers came to the ports of Chittagong and Akiab in the eighth century AD and consequently the Arab Muslims came in close contact with Cox's Bazar area located between the two ports. The greater Chittagong including Cox's Bazar was under the rule of Harikela king Kantideva in the 19Th century. The Arakan king Sulat Inga Chandra (930-975) captured Chittagong in 953 AD and since then Cox's Bazar had been a part of the kingdom of Arakan. Chittagong remained part of the kingdom of Arakan till it is conquered by the Mughals general Buzurag Umed Khan in 1666 AD captured the Magh Fort on the southern part of the Karnafuli and the Arakanise then took shelter in the Ramu Fort. The ancient name of the region was “Palking”. The current Cox’s Bazar was named after Captain Hiram Cox’s who conquer the region in the British East India Company period and set up a bazar that is called the bazar of Cox’s Shaheb by civilians. By the passing of age the region was named as Cox’s Bazar. The Geo position of the district is between 20˚35’ to 21˚50’ North latitudes and 91˚23’ east longitude. Current Cox’s Bazar district is formed in 1984. Before it was a part of Chittagong district.
Why is Cox's Bazar famous for?
Cox's bazar mostly famous for its world longest natural sandy sea beach. It is not the end, Cox's bazar is also so famous for its beach based hospitality, sea foods, marine drive, Moheskhali and Saint Martins island.
Famous Persons from Cox's Bazar District
Famous persons born in Cox's Bazar district are- Sahid Saber, Nurul Huda (Poet), Dr Sahajahan Munir (Literate Personality), Abdur Rashid Shiddique, Prof. Samser Uddin Chowdhury, Muhammad Nurul Huda (Poet), Mohammad Mostak Ahmad Chowdhury (Politician), Dula Fakir(Saiant), Hazrat Alauddin Shah (Saint), Ostad Abu Bakar (Cultural Personality) etc.
Tourist Attractions in Cox's Bazar
Tourist attractions in Cox's Bazar are- Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach, Teknaf, Saint Martin Island, Moheskhali, Adinath Temple, Sonadia Island, Buddhist Murti of Ramu, Himchari, Inane Beach, Kutubdia Light House, Aggmeda Khyang (a large Buddhist monastery), Ram Court, Bangabandhu Safari Park etc.
Cox's Bazar District Bordered By-
Cox’s Bazar District is bordered by Chittagong district to the north, the Bay of Bangal to the south, Bandarban district, the Naf River and Arakan (a state of Myanmar) to the east, the Bay of Bengal to the west.
Cox's Bazar District Administration
The area of Cox’s Bazar is 2491.85 Sq Km. It is under Chittagong Division. There are 04 Municipalities in Cox’s Bazar named Cox’s Bazar, Chakoria, Teknaf and Moheskhali. The number of Upazilla (sub district) in Cox’s Bazar district is 08, named- Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Moheskhali, Chakoria, Kutubdia, Ramu, Ukhya, Teknaf and Pakua containing 71 Unions, 177 Mauzas and 989 Villages.
Cox's Bazar District Population Data
The total population of Cox’s Bazar district is 29,06,281 (Male- 14,34,622 and Female- 13,88,563). Sex ratio is 104:100, Population Density 1166/Sq Km and annual growth rate is 1.80%. The Literacy Rate of Cox’s Bazar district is 71.58%, School attendance rate is 76.49% for 5 to 24 years age group.
Rivers in Cox's Bazar
Remarkable rivers flow through Cox's Bazar named- Naf, Matamuhari, Bakkhali, Reju Khal, Naf River, Maheshkhali channel, Kutubdia channel etc.
Agro Products in Cox's Bazar District
Agro based products grows in Cox's Bazar plenty are- Paddy, Jute, Rubber, Coconut, Batel Nut, Marine Fish, dry fish etc.
Major Islands in Cox's Bazar
Major island located in Cox's bazar named- Moheskhali, Kuubdia, Sonadia, Saint-Martin etc.
Other Important Data: The postal code of Cox’s Bazar district is 4700 and NWD Code is 0341. Total Parliament seat in Cox’s Bazar is 04. During the liberation war, Cox’s Bazar was under Sector Number 01. Urbanization rate of the district is 21.79%. Average rainfall of the district is 3378 mm and average moisture is 83%.
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