
Explore Bangladesh Tourism

Thursday, December 19

Narsingdi District, Bangladesh

Narsingdi District, Bangladesh

Narsingdi Means Lion Man. The district is located in the central east region of Bangladesh. It is said that a king named Narasingha once ruled the region. In the early fifteenth century, the ancient king Narasingha established a small town named Narsinghpur in the west bank of the river Brahmaputra. Narsingdi is named after the king, by the passing of age. In the next, the region is included in Maheswardi Parganas. The Landlord of the region was Dewan Esha Kha. It was after the abolition of Zamindari, Narsingdi was included in Narayanganj sub-division as a police station under Dhaka district. In 1977, Narsingdi is promoted as a subdivision of Dhaka district. In January 1984, Narsingdi started its journey as a district under Dhaka Division. The area of Narsingdi district is 1150.14 Sq Km. During the civil movement in 1969, three persons killed and many wounded when police openly fired in a procession against the formerly government of East Pakistan nearby the Hatirdia Bazaar (Monohordi) on 29 December. The Geo position of the district is 23°46 to 24°14' North Latitude and 90°35' to 90°60' East Longitude.

Narsingdi District Map

Narsingdi District Bordered By-

Narsingdi district is bordered by Kishoreganj District to the North, Narayanganj district to the south, Brhamanbaria district to the east and Gazipur district to the west.

How many Thana and Union in Narsingdi District?

It has 06 Municipality named Madhabdi, Norshingdi, Shibpur, Ghorashal, Roypura and Monohordi. Narsingdi district has 06 Thana nemed Narshingdi, Monohardi, Belabo, Raypur, Shibpur and Polash. There are 70 Unions, 598 Mauzas and 1048 Villages in Narsingdi district. 

Why is Narsingdi district Famous For?

Narsingdi is specially famous for Loom & textile industry. Baburhat, located in Narsingdi called the 'Manchester of Bangladesh. The district is also famous for Muslin fabric, which has a long history and is highly valued for its fine quality. one can explore local markets and handloom factories to witness the intricate weaving process and purchase exquisite textile items.

Famous Persons from Narsingdi District

Famous Persons born in Narsingdi District are- Birshresta Motiur Rahaman, Samsur Rahaman (Poet), Sundar Ali Gandhi (Politician), Kabiraj Lalitamohon Das, Poet Disdas, Satis Pakrashi (Politician), Kamini Kishor Mallik, Bijoy Chattargy, Harial Acharja (Poet), Moulavi Shekendar Ali, Ahmedul Kabir, Satis Pakrashi, Dr Alauddin Al Azad, Apel Mahmud (Music Composer), Vhai Girish Chandra Sen, Sir K G Gupta (First Bangali ICS), etc.

Tourist Attractions in Narsingdi District

Tourist Attractions in Narsingdi District are- Sonaimore benodon park, Wari-Bateshwar, Dream Holiday Park, Graveyard of Shaheed Asad (Hero of 1969), Sonaimuri Tek, Ashrfpur Mosque, Belab Bazar Mosque, Home of Vhai Girish Chandra Sen, Shah Irani Mazar, Ghorashal Fertilizer Factory, Asham Rajar Garh etc.

Heritage of Narsingdi district

Narsingdi District Population Data

As per last census final report-2022, The population of Narsingdi is 25,84,452, Sex ratio 99:100. Annual Growth rate is 1.30% and Population density 2247/Sq Km. The Literacy Rate of Narsingdi is 74.81%,, School Attendance rate is 79.61% for 5 to 24 years age group.

Rivers in Narsingdi district

Rivers flow throughout Narsingdi district are- Meghna, Shitalakha, Old Brhamaputra, Arial Kha, Paharia, Haridoa etc.

Agro Products from Narsingdi District 

Agro products grow in plenty Narsingdi district are- Banana, Paddy, Jute, pulse, Sugarcane, Oil seeds, Vegetable, Jack fruit, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple, Guava etc.

Additional Data: The postal code of Narsingdi is 1600 and NWD code 02. The number of parliament seat in the district is 05 and during liberation war, Narsingdi was under Sector No-03. It is 57 Km away from the Capital city Dhaka by road and 55 Km by rail.


  1. amar narsingdi jawa anekh issa?? narsingdi valo ekta tourism bolo to plz ami india thike ??

  2. Narsingdi is birthplace of Biplabi Trailokay Chakraborty (popularly known as Trailokay Maharaj. He was a student of Satirpara K.K. Institution. Founder of India's first electric Lamp (named Bengal Lamp) factory was Mr. Roy from Satirpara, Narsingdi. Sunilbaran Ray, former student of Satirpara K.K. Institution was an ICS, Governor of Chandannagore, Home Secretary when Joyti Basu was Chief Minister of West Benagl. His birth place is at Satirpara. Mathematician Narayan Ch Ghosh, who defined the word Folk Mathematic, was born at Ghosh Para (Satirapara), Narsingdi. He has done notable discovery of turbulent flow phenomena of cyclone, tsunami etc.

  3. Narsingdi is birthplace of Biplabi Trailokay Chakraborty (popularly known as Trailokay Maharaj. He was a student of Satirpara K.K. Institution. Founder of India's first electric Lamp (named Bengal Lamp) factory was Mr. Roy from Satirpara, Narsingdi. Sunilbaran Ray, former student of Satirpara K.K. Institution was an ICS, Governor of Chandannagore, Home Secretary when Joyti Basu was Chief Minister of West Benagl. His birth place is at Satirpara. Mathematician Narayan Ch Ghosh, who defined the word Folk Mathematic, was born at Ghosh Para (Satirapara), Narsingdi. He has done notable discovery of turbulent flow phenomena of cyclone, tsunami etc.

  4. need more details about narshingdi

  5. For more information you may read book "Narsindir Aitijhay" by Mr. Kamal published by Nikhil Prakashani, Dhaka.

  6. I need Narsingdi distric Code and Thana Code. Not Post Code.


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